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Modern and Meaningful Short Courses

Available Courses

Workplace Bullying and Harassment

  • Name:
    Workplace Bullying and Harassment
  • Duration:
    2 hours
  • Audience:
  • Delivery:
    Instructor Led (Instructor: Todd O'Donnell)
  • Price:
    $149 + GST

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Course Overview

This course provides training about organisation and worker responsibilities in relation to workplace bullying. In this course, you’ll learn what workplace bullying is, the impacts that it can have, what the consequences can be, and how you can help prevent it.


  • Workplace bullying and harassment
  • Identify behavior that constitutes bullying and workplace harassment
  • Recognising the impacts bullying can have on the individual, fellow employees and the organization

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will be able to identify what behaviours constitute workplace bullying and why it isn't acceptable in the workplace.
You will be able to identify what the law defines as a workplace bullying and sexual harassment and your legal rights and responsibilities with relation to bullying in the workplace.

On the Job Outcome

Employees are able identify, prevent and eliminate discriminatory and inappropriate behaviours and promote equity in the workplace.

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